customized loansCustomized loans have been a hot new buzzword in the world of finance. To that we say – NSL has been offering customized loans since we first opened for business!

When something is custom built for you, that means it meets all your needs and specifications. Here we don’t do everything, but we pride ourselves on doing one thing better than anyone else: we offer short term loans to people who need them the most.

Short Term Customized Loans

Our customized loans are designed for those people who need a few extra bucks to tide them over temporarily. For a car loan or a mortgage, the big banks are really the best bet. But for a few hundred dollars to pay an extra bill or get your car fixed, there are much easier and faster ways to get the money you need.

NSL offers loan from $100 to $600 for first time customers. Although we allow all of our clients up to 12 months to repay the loan, we encourage them to pay it down as fast as possible.

The quicker you pay the loan off, the less you spend on interest! For that reason, we never charge prepayment fees or penalties!

What You Need to Apply

Our application for customized loans is 100% online, with no need to go anywhere or fax any documents. Everything you need to do is done right here on this website, in your inbox, or over the phone!

Complete the application, including your current job information for verification.

Enter your banking information, and remember we need this because the funds are deposited directly into your account. Our website is verified secure, and your sensitive financial information is kept in the strictest confidence.

Once you finish, you will get an immediate confirmation email. Within a few minutes one of our loan experts will contact you with the final details.

You will have your money the next business day.

Apply Today